A mill with granite millstones for the production of artisan chocolate. Development of the author's chocolate glaze recipe.
Production of useful urbechi from nuts and seeds of oil crops. Production of unique products for raw food.


A mill with stone millstones, intended for grinding to a paste-like state such ingredients as:

- cocoa nibs, cocoa butter, powdered sugar - production of real chocolate

- cocoa butter, vanilla, sugar, milk powder - production of white chocolate

- almonds, sugar syrup - production of marzipan

- spices and herbs - production of sauces for various culinary dishes

- mint and citrus fruits - production of dressings for cocktails and confectionery.

- production of peanut paste, walnut and pine nut paste, pistachio paste, hazelnut and cashew paste, apricot pit and coconut pulp paste, sunflower, pumpkin and sesame seed paste, flax seed paste, seed paste hemp, chia and poppy, thistle paste and many other very tasty and healthy pastes or as they are also called urbechas.

A melanger is often called a mill with stone millstones or a mill with granite millstones, a urbech-maker, but it always remains a melanger capable of grinding the ingredients loaded into it to a paste-like state with a particle size of only a few microns. Due to this, the aroma and taste of the obtained paste are intensified many times over, revealing an unusual bouquet and value of the product.

The melanger is ideal for confectionery, for private chocolatiers or chocolate boutiques, for people who are engaged in raw food or food production for a healthy lifestyle. This is an excellent solution for companies engaged in formulation development and production of cosmetics for the face and body.

It is now very easy to buy a mélanger in Ukraine - leave us a request or call the indicated phone number. Consultations, warranty, post-warranty service, spare parts are always available, because we are located in Ukraine and we produce everything ourselves!

We ship melangers all over the world. In any convenient way for you.

The melanger is equipment not only for hobby and business, the melanger is a mill for a healthy lifestyle!

Melanger with loading up to 8 kg
Loading: from 4 to 8 kg
Overall dimensions (LxWxH): 550x550x850 mm
Power: 550 W
Weight: 50 kg

Designed for working out recipes, production of chocolate, fillings for confectionery, pastes from nuts and seeds - urbechi, sauces, dressings for cocktails, cosmetics for face and body.
  • Melanger with loading up to 14 kg
    Loading: from 6 to 14 kg
    Overall dimensions (LxWxH): 600x600x960 mm
    Power consumption: 1100 W
    Weight: 68 kg

    It is intended for the production of craft chocolate, fillings for confectionery products, a mill for nut paste and seed paste - urbechi, grinding of various fatty masses. Nodes that work in contact with products are made of stainless steels intended for work with food products. The body of the melanger is made of steel with a polymer coating.
    Melanger with loading up to 24 kg
    Loading: from 14 to 24 kg
    Overall dimensions (LxWxH): 650x670x1100 mm
    Power consumption: 1500 W
    Weight: 90 kg

    This model of the melanger is ideal for small and medium-sized businesses. Reliability and strength of the design, ease of maintenance of the equipment. Designed for round-the-clock operation.
    Production of dark craft chocolate in a melangeer
    Making white chocolate
    We produce all melangers ourselves, starting from design and ending with production. That is why our prices are among the lowest, and not only in Ukraine.


    With the help of a mill with granite millstones, you can get the following products:
    Our advantages
    We produce high-quality melangers. We implement innovative design solutions, using components from the world's best manufacturers.
    • 1
      Mode of operation
      Our melangers work around the clock.
    • 2
      All components of the melanger working in contact with products are made of stainless steel
    • 3
      The designer is a technologist
      Our design bureau knows everything not only about the production of equipment, but also about the technologies for the production of chocolate, various pastes, etc.
    Ukraine, Kryvyi Rih, str. Nikopolske highway, d. 2
    +38 098 123-44-77

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